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Disaster & Contingency Planning Emergency Management For Your Business

As the season for potential hurricanes gets underway the memory of the destruction caused by multiple Midwest tornadoes remains fresh in mind. In order to safeguard against natural disasters and emergencies such as these, businesses and organizations can benefit from the pre-emptive implementation of disaster recovery, emergency management and contingency plans. Planning for disaster in advance can go a long way toward protecting the assets of a company by making it easier to keep the doors open and operations running smoothly, as well as protect those persons who are on site. Recovering quickly and safely from interruptions with minimal disruption to customers and the flow of business at the lowest cost, is key.

Recovering resources quickly is imperative for restoring business operations following an emergency or disaster. Businesses will benefit from determining ahead of time, before any disaster strikes, which critical functions would need to be resumed first. Creating detailed plans will help ensure the smoothest possible transition, and in terms of employee, customer, first responder and general safety of all persons potentially on site, emergency management solutions provide for the human aspect of emergency management and disaster preparedness. Tagging and Tracking Emergency Management Solutions provide the tools for intelligent accountability in identifying persons, equipment and resources at the site of a disaster. Emergency management tagging and tracking solutions give you the ability to track the movement of people and resources throughout your site, ensuring that all remain intelligently accounted for, and safe.

Below are five tips from the U.S. Small Business Administration [5 Tips on Starting Your Hurricane Season Business Continuity Plan,, June 2012] for starting a business continuity plan:

1. Determine your greatest risk potential. Analyze your location inside and out and assess risk.
2. Calculate and prepare for the cost of business interruptions.
3. Build a crisis communications plan.
4. Consider setting up key employees to work remotely.
5. Review your insurance coverage to confirm your policy is adequate for your needs.

Contact us today to learn how your organization can benefit from the implementation of an emergency management disaster contingency plan and ID card system! We provide excellent customer service! 877-943-7467

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