Product Reviews

HID Asure ID Software For Corporate Access Badges

hid asure id software

Benefits of HID Asure ID Software 

In today’s increasingly interconnected and security-conscious world, effective employee identification is paramount for corporations and government entities alike. The need for secure access control, protecting sensitive information, and ensuring the safety of personnel has led to the adoption of advanced technologies. Among the solutions gaining prominence is the combination of HID Asure ID software and FARGO card printers, a powerful synergy that provides enhanced security, efficiency, and flexibility in employee identification. In this blog post, we will explore why corporations and government entities are choosing HID Asure ID 7 software with FARGO HDP & DTC card printers to print security access badges.

  1. Robust Security Features

Security is a top priority for organizations, and HID Asure ID software is designed with this in mind. It offers a wide range of security features that make it an ideal choice for creating secure access badges. These features include:

a. Data Encryption: HID Asure ID software ensures that the data on access badges is encrypted, making it extremely difficult for unauthorized individuals to tamper with or duplicate badges that have RFID and smart chips.

b. Biometric Integration: To further enhance security, Asure ID 7 can integrate with biometric authentication systems, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, adding an extra layer of protection to access control.

c. Customizable Security Settings: Organizations can tailor security settings to meet their specific needs. For example, they can set badge expiration dates, restrict access to certain areas, and create unique identification rules. Administrators can also control who can log in to the software and what features they can access.

d. Multi-Factor Authentication: Asure ID supports 2FA and multi-factor authentication, requiring employees to use two or more methods to verify their identity, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to devices and facilities.

  1. Streamlined Badge Printing Process

Efficiency is critical for corporations and government entities, as they often need to print a large number of access badges quickly and accurately. HID Asure ID software, when used in conjunction with FARGO card printers, streamlines the badge printing process in several ways:

a. User-Friendly Interface: Asure ID’s intuitive interface makes it easy for employees to design and print badges, reducing the learning curve and minimizing errors.

b. Batch Printing: With Asure ID, organizations can print multiple badges at once, saving time and resources. This is particularly useful when onboarding new employees or issuing badges for large events and combining this solution with a high speed printer like the FARGO HDP6600.

c. Database Integration: Asure ID can connect to existing databases, simplifying the process of updating employee information and ensuring that access privileges are always up-to-date. Solo and Express have built in databases using Microsoft Access. Enterprise and Exchange are designed to link to external databases through ODBC.

d. High-Quality Printing: FARGO HDP card printers are known for their high-quality printing capabilities, producing sharp, durable badges. For badges that need to resist fading and expected to have long card life, adding overlaminate can double or triple the period of time before replacement is needed.

  1. Customization and Branding

Corporations and government entities often have unique branding and identification requirements. HID Asure ID software and FARGO card printers offer extensive customization options to meet these needs:

a. Brand Consistency: Organizations can customize badge designs to align with their branding guidelines, ensuring a professional and consistent appearance. This is especially important for organizations going through a merger or acquisition to be sure employees feel connected to the combined entity in addition to gaining access to the onsite facilities.

b. Variable Data Printing: Asure ID 7 software allows for variable data printing, which means that each badge can contain unique information, such as employee names, photos, and access levels. By linking badge features to data fields, background colors, logos or text can provide visible awareness to security teams at events or conferences.

c. Badge Types: Organizations can create different badge types for various purposes, such as employee badges, visitor badges, and contractor badges, each with its own design and access permissions. Asure ID software is typically used for CR80 sized badges but can also produce CR100 and oversized event badges with 3.5″ x 5.5″ designs.

  1. Compliance and Reporting

Many corporations and government entities are subject to strict regulations and reporting requirements when it comes to access control and employee identification. HID Asure ID software simplifies compliance by providing the following features:

a. Audit Trails: Asure ID generates detailed audit trails, which can be crucial for compliance reporting. Organizations can track badge creation, updates, and access events with controls in place that limit who gets access to various areas of the software.

b. Reporting Tools: The software offers robust reporting tools that allow organizations to create customized reports for compliance audits, making the process more efficient and accurate. Administrators can give access to operators for custom reports in addition to utilizing the built in searches used by most organizations.

In an era where security threats are ever-present, corporations and government entities must prioritize employee identification and access control. HID Asure ID software, when paired with FARGO DTC & HDP card printers, offers a comprehensive solution that addresses the key needs of security, efficiency, customization, and compliance. This powerful combination not only enhances security but also streamlines operations, fosters brand consistency, and simplifies compliance reporting. It’s no wonder that an increasing number of organizations are choosing HID Asure ID 7 software to print security access badges and improve employee identification. As technology continues to evolve, these solutions will likely play an even greater role in safeguarding organizations and their assets.

Review our complete selection of Asure ID 7 Software for applications of any size

HID Asure ID software can contribute to improved security, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in managing workforce identification. If you have questions about professional ID solutions, we’d be happy to assist, just contact IDSuperShop today.

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